The printed fabric is beautiful. I haven't put the rectangles and squares together, but I was a little disappointed that the backing is all white. A little color or blue would have been more excited. I might even do out and try to find something that would give the quilt a little life on the back. i was also a little disappointed that the design you go by is not very clear with the different detailed fabrics. I gave out of one fabric trying to follow the design, but i am new to this. So, I will keep working on it and try to find an easy way to blend all the material.
Can’t wait to make this quilt.
Kim Ollenberger
I am very pleased with the service I received from the Fabric Hut, and would not hesitate purchasing from them again.
Lucy D Thomas
Love these kits. I am a just starting to get involved with quilting and I love these kits. All the pieces are in the package. No cutting needed. Just go right to sewing. For me as a newbie the cutting was scary. I have ordered a lot of kits and love doing them.
I was totally pleased with this project. I made it for my grandson for Christmas this year. It lined up beautifully and I was thrilled. However, I am now heartbroken. I shipped my top as well as another quilt top that I had made to my long arm quilter in MO to finish for me and the package was lost in the mail. I am beyond heartbroken. I have made quilts for all of my grands for Christmas this year and this was the last one. I bought the pre cut snowman because I was running out of time. I highly recommend this but will now have to determine if I want to pay for yet another precut pack.
Joy Ratkowski
have received but not yet started i have been in hospital. the fabric choices are great and am hoping to start in the next few weeks
Prairie Blossom is beautiful! I have a question. At time point 4:24 it appears that there are two separate groups of squares and rectangles. The left ones seem a bit small smaller. Even comparing them to the background grid they are smaller. Nothing is said about that. Did I miss something?
Gerene Romanski
I would have gone with five stars but the fabric unraveled so easily but however the fabric was really cute and they turned out well. It is at the quilters. The backing and binding was not to my liking as it was two dark and dreary.
Anne Gallo
The pattern came as pictured, but I was extremely disappointed the background fabric was a stark white. I had to cut 3 1/2” squares to make the quilt interesting, haven’t you heard of white on white or a small print suitable for background? I bought the kits for a friend who cannot cut her own fabric, I couldn’t give it to her the way it came.
Linda Brownlee
I made the snowman and the floral and they both turned out great. They are quick and simple for a beginner, but are also fun for an advanced quilter who wants a relaxing no fuss gift project.
Ich habe ein paar Tage lang immer wieder an dem Quilt gearbeitet und bin begeistert. Alle Teile sind präzise geschnitten und so schön ausgerichtet. Es ist toll, an dem Quilt zu arbeiten und dabei Musik zu hören, ohne über ein schwieriges Muster nachdenken zu müssen.
Audrey Folmer
Sehr zufrieden mit diesem Kauf. Genau das, was ich für Quiltprojekte unterwegs brauche. Lässt sich leicht verpacken. Schnelle Lieferung.
Diane Beers
Ich bin mit der Qualität dieser Rotationsklingen sehr zufrieden. Ich persönlich denke, dass Titan die beste Wahl ist, und war froh, diese zu einem so tollen Preis zu finden.
Shelby R. Mowrey
Ich kaufe meine Klingen ausschließlich bei The Fabric Hut. Ich habe schon vor langer Zeit gelernt, dass billigere Klingen nicht lange halten.
Alma Croix
Ich liebe diese Klingen, sie halten viel länger als alle Klingen, die ich in der Vergangenheit verwendet habe. Ich quilte seit über 20 Jahren.
Barbara Pursell
Ich muss sagen, dass diese Klingen sehr scharf sind und wie beworben durch viele, viele Stofflagen schneiden. Ich werde sie wieder kaufen! Danke, dass Sie das Quilten ein wenig einfacher machen!
Janet M
Tolle Stoffqualität, die Farben sind so lebendig. Die Anweisungen sind klar und präzise. Ich würde wieder bei dieser Firma kaufen.
Ich mag die mit Titan beschichteten Rollklingen. Es fühlt sich an, als ob sich der Stoff viel leichter schneiden lässt. Die Schnitte sind sehr scharf, ohne dass Fäden zurückbleiben. Ich habe sie im Sonderangebot gekauft und werde weiterhin darauf achten, wann sie im Sonderangebot sind.
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Gemütliches Schneemann-Quilt-Bastelset – vorgeschnitten mit kompletter Rückseite und Bindung – Fertiggröße 60 x 72 Zoll
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100% Zufriedenheitsgarantie
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