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The Scrap Attack: Discovering Your Inner Scrap Quilter

The Scrap Attack: Discovering Your Inner Scrap Quilter

Hello, quilting friends! Today, I’m taking some inspiration from the amazing Pat Sloan (@PatSloan), who shared some fantastic insights about scrap quilting in her video, he Crafting Corner. If you’re anything like me, your fabric stash probably has a life of its own, filled with all sorts of bits and pieces just waiting for the right project to come along. But how do you tackle that stash? And what kind of scrap quilter are you? Let’s dive in and figure it out, with a little help from Pat Sloan herself.

What Kind of Scrap Quilter Are You?

In her video, Pat asks an important question: Do you actually make scrap quilts? This might seem straightforward, but it’s the first step in understanding how you approach your fabric scraps. According to Pat, there are several types of scrap quilters:

  1. The Scrap Queen: If you love incorporating as many different fabrics as possible into a single quilt, collecting scraps from friends, and sifting through fabric bins like a treasure hunt, you might just be a Scrap Queen! Your stash probably includes bins sorted by color and size, and you might have a whole system dedicated to making the most of every last piece.
  2. The Occasional Scrapper: You might make a few scrap quilts here and there, but you also enjoy more coordinated projects. You don’t feel the need to use every scrap, but when inspiration strikes, you know exactly where to find the perfect fabric addition for your project.
  3. The Wannabe Scrapper: Maybe you’ve collected tons of scraps because you love the idea of scrap quilting, but you haven’t quite jumped in yet. Your stash is ready, and you’re excited to start, but you’re still figuring out how to get there.
  4. The Scrap Dreamer: You think you should make scrap quilts, but deep down, you’re not really into them. They might feel too chaotic or unorganized for your taste. And that’s okay! Not everyone has to be a scrap quilter. If this is you, maybe it’s time to donate those scraps to someone who will use them and focus on the projects you truly love.

Making the Most of Your Scraps

Once you’ve identified what kind of quilter you are, it’s time to tackle your scraps! Here are some of Pat’s best tips for organizing and using your scraps effectively:

  • Keep a Simple System: Pat suggests sticking to a few basic sizes, like 2.5-inch squares (perfect for checkerboard patterns!) and 5-inch charm squares. By organizing your scraps in a few standard sizes, it becomes so much easier to pick up and start a project.
  • Pre-Cuts Are Your Friends: If you’re not quite sure where to start, pre-cut sizes like charm packs, layer cakes, and jelly rolls offer a structured way to store and use your scraps. Plus, there are countless patterns designed specifically for pre-cuts, so you’ll never run out of ideas!
  • Consider Giving Scraps Away: If you’re a Scrap Dreamer who can’t bear to see scraps go to waste, find a friend or a charity that would be happy to take them. There’s no shame in passing them on, and you’ll feel good knowing they’ll be put to use.

What’s Your Scrap Style?

Pat’s insights got me thinking—what kind of scrap quilter am I? I like to dabble here and there, so I probably fall somewhere between an Occasional Scrapper and a Wannabe Scrapper. But I’d love to hear from you! Are you a Scrap Queen with a meticulously organized stash, or are you just dipping your toes into the scrap quilt waters?

Let me know in the comments below! And if you’re inspired by Pat’s advice, be sure to check out her full video and follow her on social media @PatSloan for more fantastic quilting tips and ideas.

Until next time, happy quilting!

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